What is a Rhetorical Analysis?

Before defining what rhetorical analysis is, let’s look at what rhetoric is. Rhetoric is an art of persuasive writing and speaking. The writer or speaker influences an audience to take a particular action or accept a point of view through words. They do this through the following appeals

Pathos: appealing to the audience emotions

Ethos: the subject using their credibility and background to gain approval

Logos: the use of reason to earn favor or approval

A rhetorician can use these three appeals through several media, including writing an article or books, speeches, films or animations.

What is a rhetorical analysis?

Rhetorical analysis is breaking a non-fictional work into sections to make a detailed explanation about how the pieces work together to form a particular effect on the minds of readers. It could be to educate, entertain, or persuade. In general rhetorical analysis essay assesses how a rhetorician used words to influence his/her audience and determining whether they achieved the purpose.

To achieve an ultimate result, you need to study the essay to be analyzed, before trying to break it down for an explanation. With that, you are sure of attaining a quality work, which can stand the test of time. 

Outline of a rhetorical essay 

A well-outlined rhetorical essay attracts the necessary and intended attention. But just like any other type of essay, it should include a strong 

Your introduction is a brief statement about what the readers should expect in the essay. Within it is a one-sentence thesis statement that introduces the theme and your opinion on it.

The thesis statement is the main argument or your opinion on the work to be analyzed. Is the work right or needs some tweaking. You need to state this clearly and should be concise.

In the main body, you get to support your position in the thesis statement with facts. Put your thoughts in order and arrange your ideas just as you want it to be. This usually consists of three paragraphs, with each making a new point.

The conclusion summarizes all your arguments and why you think it should be considered. It should be just a one-paragraph statement. 

How to write a Rhetorical analysis 

When writing a rhetorical essay, you need to have a purpose for the work. Afterward, you do the necessary research, draft your work, and outline it. You then decide on a writing style, write it, and don’t forget about proofreading it. Lastly, you will need to format it and give citations. 

What Is the Purpose of Your Rhetorical Analysis Essay?

You need to have a purpose for writing that rhetorical analysis essay. What do you intend to achieve with it? For students, it may be to attain a high mark. This means your professor is your primary audience. But you can also look into a bigger picture by trying to publish your work after a review by your tutor. You can get external recognition for your work.